Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First-time Home Buyer Information - Planning the BIG Move - According to Relocation Experts in Lenawee County

Moving: A Process that Requires Planning

In an ideal situation, you will have plenty of time to plan an organized move. Here is an eight-week guide to planning your move once you know your moving date. The situation can vary depending on how far you’re going, your lifestyle and how much you have to move.

Search for New Residence

Subscribe to the local newspaper in the area you are considering moving to; check the real estate section to get an idea of available housing or check the internet for listings. Click here for Tips on choosing a home.

Find a good real estate professional to represent you and show you homes that fit your desired criteria. Take a tape measure and a check-list of measurements to take. Consider you big screen TV or King sized bed and dressers, appliances and things you have that take up space. You will want to be sure you new home has the space you need.

If you have a house you need to sell before buying another, get it listed; if you’re renting, give your landlord timely notice. Call utility companies, cable TV, telephone company; anyone who you will discontinue/start up services with.

Keep a record of all moving expenses; many are tax deductible. Make a Personal Household Inventory list for each room to establish the value of you shipment for insurance purposes. Purchase records, receipts and invoices should be attached. Prepare a separate statement for items of high-value. Items in this category include:

Antiques, Oriental Rugs, Tapestries and Art Collections
Cameras and Computer Equipment
TV’s or Stereos
China, Crystal and Figurines
Jewelry, Silver, Stones or Gems

Estimate of Moving Costs

Unless you have been give a binding estimate where a firm cost is established in advance, the exact cost cannot be determined until after the shipment has been loaded and weighed. The total cost of the move will be based on the weight of the load, the insured value and other transportation charges.

You are responsible for seeing that your mechanical, electrical equipment and appliances are properly serviced for shipping before the movers arrive. A licensed technician should prepare these items for safe moving. Otherwise, the mover will load the item and mark the inventory sheet “Not Serviced; Loaded at Owner’s Risk”

Six to Eight Weeks before Moving Day

Working with a Mover

Have the moving company conduct a household goods survey and furnish you with a written estimate; be aware that the final cost will depend on the actual weight of your belongings when they are loaded.

Get rid of things that are not being moved; no use paying to move what you do not want to keep.

Decide what you will be packing and what you want the movers to pack. Have a detailed list for the movers, specifying items to be packed so the estimate will include these charges. Any items that are added later will be added to the cost.

Personal Records

Close or transfer charge accounts
Check personal insurance policies to see whether moving is covered.
Get transcripts of children’s school records and credentials
Get recommendations for doctor, dentist attorney, etc…in the new area
Transfer, sell or resign memberships in clubs or associations.

Four to Six Weeks before Moving Day

Packing - If you plan to do most of your own packing, start collecting moving containers or buy specialized containers from a moving company. You will need

• Small cartons for heavy items like books, records and tools
• Large cartons for bulky items like pillows, blankets and stuffed toys
• Medium-sized cartons for light, bulky items like towels and linens and small appliances.
• Wardrobe containers

Packaging Materials - Tissue paper, newspaper, tape, twine, scissors or knife, felt marker, notebook, labels or stickers.

Set goals and deadlines to ensure all packing is complete by moving day. Attach a list of contents to each carton; separate and mark goods that will go into storage. Have a garage sale or donate unwanted items to charitable organizations. Be sure to make an itemized list and get a receipt for income tax purposes.

Use up large supplies of canned good and frozen foods so you don’t have to include them in the cost of moving.

Make a list of people to notify of your upcoming change of address, including:

Utility Companies, Cable, Phone and Trash Pickup
Professional services, doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant, insurance agent
Established business accounts, Credit card companies, Secretary of State
Newspaper and Magazine subscriptions
Friends, Relatives and business associates

Two to Three weeks before Moving Day

Notify the post office of your moving date and new address. Provide written instructions to the post office to hold mail or forward mail. Contact all service companies including utilities and cable TV to arrange transfer of services.

Prepare for travel; reserve a flight if necessary and hotel accommodations. If driving, get up-to-date on vehicle maintenance.

Arrange a date for a technician to prepare your appliances. Disconnecting and post service is typically required depending on the appliance. A qualified person should also be involved when moving items like pianos, large aquariums and pool tables.

Don’t forget to prepare your pets; update their vaccinations and get a referral to a qualified vet in your new location.

Three Days before Moving Day

First Needs Box – Pack a box labeled “load last-unload first.” This will contain the items you need immediate access to when you get to your new home. It might contain cleaning supplies, trash bags, bathroom supplies, kitchen supplies, simple to fix foods, snacks, paper plates, cups, plastic ware, etc…

Last Minute Packing

By now everything should be packed and labeled; set aside the items that go with you to separate from what the movers will be taking.

Moving Day – Load up and go!

Be available when the movers arrive or be sure they know who has authority to take your place; it may be necessary to sign documents.

Go through the house with the operator as they inspect and tag each item of furniture with an identifying number and description of goods and their condition at the time of loading.

Make sure movers understand special handling instructions such as the order in which items are to be loaded. Do a final check of the house to be sure all items are loaded before signing the inventory. Get a copy and keep it in a safe place where it won’t be lost in the move.

Verify the movers have the exact destination address and exchange cell phone numbers where you can be reached during the move.

Take a final look around, sweep if necessary; make sure utilities are shut off or that appropriate arrangements have been made if people are moving in right away. Lock up and leave the keys in a pre-arranged location.

Whew! A lot of Work!

Upon destination you will pretty much be reversing the process; now it is time to move in!

Contact the movers to let them know you have arrived; make sure the house is ready before you have them bring your items in. Contact utility companies to see if they provide free appliance connection service or arrange a technician to install your appliances.

Be on hand to accept delivery when the movers arrive; you or an authorized person will have to sign for delivery and pay the charges. Check goods as they are being unloaded; look for signs of damage or change in condition of property from what is noted on the inventory at the time it was loaded. When you sign the inventory sheet you are acknowledging receipt of all items listed. Report any loss or damages to the moving company immediately.

Mover will unload and place each piece of furniture as you direct. They will assemble and set up beds and lay rugs; however, most will not connect appliances and fixtures. They may arrange to have it done, at your expense and request. If you have paid for packing and unpacking services, they will remove all empty cartons and packaging material.

Getting Settled

Be sure all utilities have been transferred and are working properly

Arrange for reinstallation of appliances

File all documents pertaining to moving expenses with your current year’s income tax records. Also include any receipts for items you may have donated before the move.

Check with the post office for any mail being held and confirm the date delivery will start.

Have medical and dental records transferred as soon as you select new physicians.

Locate schools and get children registered.

Planning your move depends on how far you are going and how quickly you need to make your move. Some people can do it all with two friends and a truck; others will find that they need a moving van and a crew. Careful planning and preparation can make moving less overwhelming.

Mark Goedert of Goedert Real Estate is a relocation expert who can provide tips and information to make your new home search, acquisition and moving process easier. Mark Goedert serves clients in the Down River area, Calhoun, Battle Creek, Marshall, Albion, Hillsdale, Ingham, Lansing, Okemos, Mason, Jackson, Lenawee, Adrian, Tecumseh, Hudson, Livingston, Howell, Brighton, Pinckney, Macomb, Sterling Heights, Warren, St. Clair Shores, Monroe, Temperance, Bedford, Oakland, Farmington Hills, Royal Oak, Southfield, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Saline, Wayne, Detroit, Dearborn, Livonia, Canton, Trenton and more in South East Michigan.

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